If you would like to rearrange the sequence of results in your report, you can use one of the two options:

  1. Custom sort:

This option works best if you have a few results selected. Please make sure that all of the necessary marks are ticked and click the “Custom sort” link. You will see the following popup:

Here it is possible to rearrange the results using drag-and-drop motion.

When done, please click the “Apply sorting” button to have these changes saved.

To make sure that your custom report reflects the same order of results, please do not forget to tick the checkbox for “Custom sort” at the Level of Details section when downloading your results:

  1. Results sorting based on color tags.

Please apply color coding to your results in order to group them logically.

After that, move your mouse over the color tags tab and you will see a dropdown menu where it is possible to set up the sequence of results based on their colors.

Simply type in the numbers into the respective cells and click the Apply order link:

According to the example above, the system will rearrange the results set to first display those tagged with red, then yellow, green, blue, and no color.